Ampeg Endorsement


Photo by Denny Carr


Amanda McCoy has proudly played and endorsed Ampeg bass amps from the beginning.

Amanda & Ampeg: The History

“Do you remember the first time you played through a real bass rig? I do. I was in seventh grade, plugging my Silvertone bass into a vintage Ampeg B-15N Portaflex (I wish I knew the exact year). It was sitting at the very back of our choir room closet. At first glance, it was the most interesting amp I’d ever seen. I had no idea what it was… but that flip-top with glowing tubes was pure magic. I’ve been hooked on Ampeg ever since!

I’m proud to officially partner with the legendary brand, company, and iconic sound that is Ampeg. Truly a signature sound, tone, and vibe that spans generations and genres; a versatile sleeping giant that can shake you right off the planet when awakened.”

“From the garage to the stage and studio - it has always been Ampeg!”

Amanda McCoy